Sadly, gone are the days when you could just
press the F8 key at boot up and Windows would load
the Safe Mode menu. Unfortunately, this particular
option does not work in Windows 8/8.1. Instead you
have to choose the Advanced Startup option from
within Windows or else from a Windows 8/8.1
installation disk.
The Advanced Startup menu in Windows 8.1 allows
the user to gain access to options such as System
Restore, System Image Recovery and Automatic Repair
when you are having problems with your PC and cannot
readily boot to a workable desktop.
Below are three methods by which you can access
the Advanced Startup option.
1. To Access the Advanced Startup Menu from
within Windows
- From within the Windows interface you can
start the Advanced Startup menu
by pressing the Shift key and,
at the same time, clicking the Restart
option on the Shutdown menu option.

Fig: 8.25.1 Click the Restart
Button while also pressing the Shift key
- When the menu, below, appears, Click on the
Troubleshoot option.

Fig: 8.25.2 The choose an
option window
- On the Next screen, Click Advanced

Fig: 8.25.3 The Troubleshoot
menu window
- The Advanced Options menu
should now appear.

Fig:8.25.4 Choose which
option you need from the Advanced option menu
- From the Advanced options menu you can
select whether to use System Restore; System
Image Recovery; Start-up Repair; Command Prompt;
or Start-up Settings.
2. Accessing Advanced Options from the Command
You can also access the Advanced Options menu via
the Windows Command Prompt. This will effectively
shutdown your computer and then upon restarting you
will be presented with the Advanced Options menu.
To begin proceed as follows:
- Right click on the Windows Start
button and, from the drop down menu,
select Command Prompt.

Fig: 8.25.5 Click on the
Command Prompt option
- In the Command prompt
window type: shutdown.exe /r /o /f
/t 00

Fig: 8.56.6 Type in the
relevant shutdown perameters
- Now press the Enter key.
- Once your computer has Re-started
you will be presented with the first
Choose an Option screen. (see
Fig: 8.26.2 above)
- From this menu, Click on the
Troubleshoot option. (see Fig:
8.26.3 above)
- Once the Troubleshoot
screen opens, Click on the Advanced
options to take you to the
Advanced Options screen. (see
Fig: 8.26.4 above)
- You can now selected which Advanced
option you wish to use.
3. To Access the Advanced Options Menu at system
boot-up (Installation Disk Required)
If you are unable to start your computer you will
need to obtain a copy of the Windows
installation disk. This can be your own
copy or a friends. All you need the installation
disk for is to enter the Advanced Startup
- To begin the procedure insert the
Windows Installation Disk into your
CD-ROM (or insert the
USB stick containing the installation
media if the media has been saved to a USB
- Start your computer and allow the
Installation disk to initialise.
- The Language and Keyboard selection
window will appear first. You needn't bother
with this screen so simply just press the
Next button.
- The next screen to appear is the
Install Screen.
On this screen click on the option marked
Repair your Computer.
- The next screen allows you to choose an
- From the option menu, click on
Troubleshoot. (see Fig: 8.26.2
- On the next screen click on the
Advanced Options. This will now take
you to the Advanced Options
Window. (see Fig: 8.26.3 above)