The Windows Lock Screen appears prior to logging
into your PC. This is the screen you have to,
effectively, swipe out of the way to reveal the
Microsoft Log On page - well that is assuming you
haven't previously disabled the lock screen in the
Windows registry. (see
Disable the Windows Lock Screen if you wish to
completely disable the lock screen.)
You can, of course, quite easily change the lock
screen picture simply by making the changes in the
Windows Settings.
However, what if you want your lock screen
picture to change on a regular basis? For this you
need to create a slideshow.
To do this proceed as follows:
- From the Charms Bar, Click
on the Settings option.
- At the bottom of the Settings
Window, Click on the Change PC Settings

Fig: 8.17.1 Windows Settings
- On the PC Settings screen
you can either Click directly on the
Lock Screen image or Click on the
PC and Devices option to open
the Lock Screen options window.

Fig: 8.17.2 Click on either
the Lock Screen picture or the PC and Devices
- If you simply clicked on the Lock
Screen picture the lock screen options
will now be displayed. The PC and
Devices option on the left of the
Settings screen will, by
default, display the Lock Screen options as
this is the first option on the PC and Devices
menu list.
- Look beneath the picture preview of your
Lock Screen and you should see
an option switch marked Play a slideshow
on the lock screen.

Fig: 8.17.3 Use the slider to
turn the Play a slideshow on the lock screen
option to On
- By default Play a slideshow on the
lock screen option is in the
OFF position.
- To turn the Play a slideshow on the
lock screen option ON,
Click your mouse on the right hand side of the
OFF box.
- The option box will now display the word

Fig: 8.17.4 The slideshow
option is turned on
- The slideshow pictures are, by default,
sourced from either the Pictures
folder on your PC or, alternatively, the
Pictures folder on your Cloud Based
OneDrive drive. There is also an
option to use the Camera Roll
folder either on your PC or, again, on your
Cloud based OneDrive facility.
- If you wish to use an alternative folder to
supply your slideshow pictures you can do this
by clicking the Add Folder
button situated in the Use Pictures From
section of the Lock Screen preview window.
- After you have set your slideshow up, the
next time you use the Lock Screen a different
picture will appear as your Lock Screen based
upon the pictures in your Pictures folder or any
additional folders you have stipulated.