Shutting down your Windows operating system via
the Charms Bar (Charms>Settings>Power>Shutdown) in
Windows 8.1 is not to everyone's liking. For one
thing it takes to many mouse clicks!
While we actually like the Charms Bar way of
shutting down we do realize that many users' have
become more frustrated with this particular option
than most other new options associated with the
Windows 8 operating system.
Like it or loath it, though, there is a familiar
alternative to the Shutdown (as well as Sleep and
Sign Out) scenario and that is by simply utilizing
the Start Button right click context menu.
To quickly Shutdown, Sign Out or Sleep your
system simply do the following:
- Right Click on the Windows Start Button
- From the drop down menu that appear hover
your mouse over the Shutdown or Sign Out option.

Fig: 8.15.1 Right click on
the Start Button
- A further menu will now appear to the right
of this option marked: Sign Out, Sleep,
Shutdown, Restart.
- Click on the Shutdown option and your PC
will begin to shutdown.
- It really is as simple as that!