By default Windows 8 automatically activates
itself the very first time you connect to the
Sometimes, however, the automatic activation does
not go according to plan and you are left with an
inactivated copy of Windows 8 and an irritating nag
screen informing you that Windows 8 is in need of
While having an inactivated copy of Windows 8 can
be a nuisance it can easily be remedied by
telephoning the Windows 8 activation line.
To do this proceed as follows:
- Press the Windows key and R on your keyboard
to bring up the Run command.

Fig: 8.10.1 The Windows Run
- In the Run dialogue box type: slui.exe 4 and
then press the OK button.

Fig: 8.10.2 in the Run
command box type slui.exe 4
- When the Windows Activation window opens,
select the Country or nearest location to you
from the drop down Location list.

Fig: 8.10.3 Select your
language from the language drop down list
- The Activate Windows by phone window will
now appear.

Fig: 8.10.4 Input the
required numbers into the ID box for activation
to proceed
- In this Window you will see a Free phone
telephone number and a Local/National rate
telephone number. You need to select the
relevant telephone number and dial it on your
- Once connected to the Activation line you
will be asked to provide a series of numbers.
These numbers (see Provide these numbers when
asked on the activate windows by phone window)
are generated by your PC and give valuable
information about your product key. You input
them via your telephones' keypad.
- Once you have Inputted the required numbers,
the automated activation line will give you
another set of numbers to input into the
activate windows by phone window.
- You type these numbers into the available
boxes in the Enter the confirmation ID you get
over the phone section of the Activate Windows
by phone window.
- Once these numbers have been inputted, press
the Activate button.
- If all has gone well and you have inputted
the numbers correctly your copy of Windows will
be activated.
- If a problem occurs and you are unable to
activate Windows you will be told that the
Activation cannot proceed. Do Not terminate the
call. Hang on and you will be transferred to a
real person who will take you through the steps
again and will be able to help you activate your
copy of Windows.