When you visit the Microsoft store and download
apps (applications) a record of that download is
recorded by Windows. The record is there is case you
uninstall the app and, at a later time, wish to
re-install it.
While this is a useful feature, not every user
wants a complete history of every single app they
have installed on their PC. If you happen to be one
of those users then there is a simple way of
deleting app installation history.
To remove app installation history, proceed as
- Press Win Key + I to open the Settings

Fig: 8.5.1 Click the Change
PC Settings option (circled on screenshot)
- Click on the Change PC Settings option at
the bottom of the Settings screen.
- In the Change PC Settings Window, click on
the General tab situated on the menu on the left
hand side of the Window.
- In the App switching section, click the
Delete History button.

Fig: 8.5.2 Hit the Delete
History button (Circled on screenshot) to remove
application installation history.
- Your App installation history will now be