Disabling add-ons can improve the speed at which
Internet Explorer 9 loads. Currently if Internet
explorer deems that add-ons are loading too slowly
(default is 0.20 seconds) a pop up appears (see fig:

Fig: 62-1 Speed up browsing by
disabling add-ons notification banner
Like most pop ups this can be a nuisance to many
users, especially if 0.20 seconds is not deemed by
the user long enough for the add-ons to load.
While you cannot turn the pop up off completely,
you can make changes to the notification parameters
to allow the pop up to kick in a lot later than it
currently does. For example, if you are getting too
many add-ons taking longer that 0.20 second to load
you can increase the time allocated before a pop up
occurs, say to 0.40 seconds. Alternatively you can
allocate the maximum of 10 seconds which should,
theoretically, make the pop up disappear for good.
To make the necessary adjustments proceed as
- On the Speed up browsing by disabling
add-ons pop up (Fig: 62-1)
- Click the Choose Add-Ons button. When the
Choose Add-Ons window opens look at the bottom
of the window and you should see an option
marked Tell me when the delay caused by
add-ons exceeds.

Fig: 62-2 The Choose Add-Ons
- To the Right of this option you will see a
drop down menu. Click the arrow to the right of
the drop down box to display a new drop down

Fig: 62-3 Choose a new time
delay option from the drop down menu
- From the drop down menu select a new delay
time for the add-ons to exceed and then click
the Done button.
- The speed up browsing by disabling add-ons
notification banner will now not appear until
the new time limit has been exceeded. If you
have set the time to maximum, i.e., 10 seconds
the notification banner should not appear at