Microsoft's latest web browser, Internet Explorer
9 is billed at being one of the fastest browsers
available. To be honest this is a claim that every
browser developer acclaims, but it is not always
true. The only real way to evaluate and come to an
independent option of speed is to try it on your own
While Microsoft acclaim that their browser is by
far the fastest we, personally, don't agree with the
claim. Yes, it is an improvement on Internet
Explorer 8, but then anything is an improvement on
Internet Explorer 8!
If you decide to try Internet Explorer 9 you are
either going to love it or hate it. If your opinion
is of the latter, then you will, obviously, want to
uninstall Internet Explorer 9 and go back to IE 8.
To Uninstall Internet Explorer 9, proceed as
- Click the Start button.
- On the Start Menu look to the right and,
Click Control Panel.

Fig: 59-1 Click the Control
panel option on the Start menu
- When the Control Panel window opens look for
the Programs and Features Icon and click on it.
Fig: 59-2 below show Control Panel as it looks
in Large Icon mode. If your Control Panel is set
to Category mode then you will need to first
click on the Programs link then, in the next
window, click on the Programs and Features link.

Fig: 59-2 Control panel in
Large Icon mode
- In the Programs and Features window look to
the left of the window (in the blue margin) and
Click on the View Installed Updates option.

Fig: 59-3 Click on the View
Installed Updates option
- The view installed updates window will now
- This window will now need to populate with
all of the available updates that have been
installed on your computer. This could take a
minute or so, so be patient.
- Once the update window has populated, scroll
down to the Microsoft Windows section and look
through the list of updates. You are looking for
Windows Internet Explorer 9.
- Once you have located the Windows Internet
Explorer 9 option, Right click on it and then
click on the Uninstall option.

Fig: 59-4 Locate Windows
Internet Explorer and Right click on it
- A Pop Up box will appear asking you if you
are sure you want to uninstall this update.
- To continue, Click the Yes button.

Fig: 59-5 Click Yes to
continue with the uninstall
- Another box will now appear asking you to
Wait while the update is being uninstalled. This
could take a few minutes so, again, be patient.

Fig: 59-6 It will take a few
minutes for Internet Explorer 9 to be
- Once the uninstall has been completed you
will be asked to Restart your computer. To do
this click the Restart Now button.

Fig: 59-7 Click the Restart
Now button to restart your computer
- As your computer begin the restart sequence
a screen will appear informing you that the
operating system is preparing to configure
Windows. It is essential, at this point, that
you Do No accidentally turn your computer off.

Fig: 59-8 Preparing to
configure Windows
- Once configuration has reached 30 percent
your computer will start to shut down.

Fig: 59-9 Initial
configuration begins to shut down the computer
when it reaches 30 percent
- Your Computer will now start its shut down

Fig: 59-10 Computer begins to
shut down
- When the shut down sequence completes your
computer will restart and you will then see the
Starting Windows Logo.

Fig: 59-11 Starting Windows
- The operating system will now continue
configuring Windows.

Fig: 59-12 Windows continues
to configure the changes made to Internet
- Finally your desktop will appear and the
uninstall will be complete. If you now click the
Internet Explorer icon in the taskbar you will
find that IE 9 has been replaced with Internet
Explorer 8 thus returning your system back to
its original configuration.

Fig: 59-13 Internet Explorer
returned back to original version