Internet Explorer 9 has two versions available
for download; one is a small 530kb file which begins
the initial download and then install directly from
the web (see
57. Installing Internet Explorer 9)) and the
second one, which allows you to download the full
Internet Explorer 9 file. This latter download
enables you to save the complete application to your
hard drive in case you need to re-install at another
time. This file is approximately 34.6MB in size.
It should be noted that Internet Explorer 9 is
only compatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7 and
Windows Server 2008. You cannot install Internet
Explorer 9 on Windows XP. This is by design as
Microsoft would prefer users to update their
machines to Windows 7.
In this tutorial we will illustrate how to
download the file to your hard drive and then
install it.
Internet Explorer 9 is available for download
from the
Windows Internet Explorer Products download
- To begin Click on the following link
Windows Internet Explorer Products to access
the download site.
- The Windows Internet Explorer 9 download web
page will now appear. (See Fig: 58-1)

Fig: 58-1 Internet Explorer 9
web page
- To download the Complete Internet Explorer 9
file look below the Download button. Here you
will see the current version of Windows you are
using and, to the right of it Other Versions. Do
Not click on the Download button; doing so will
only download a 530kb file. Instead Click on the
Other Versions link.
- When you click on the Other Versions link
you will be directed to an Internet Explorer 9
download page where you can choose which
operating system you wish to download Internet
Explorer 9.

Fig: 58-2 On the Download
page you can select your desired operating
- Select your language from the available list
and then click the arrow to the right of the
Select your version dialogue box.
- From the drop down list you then need to
select your operating system.

Fig: 58-3 Select your
operating system
- The File Download Security warning box will
- Click the Save button to save the file.

Fig: 58-4 Click the Save
- In the Save As window the file name should
already be displayed in the File Name dialogue
box, Click the Save button to continue.

Fig: 58-5 Click the Save
button to save the file to your hard drive
- Internet Explorer 9 will now start
downloading to your hard drive. How long this
takes to download will depend upon the speed of
your Internet Connection.

Fig: 58-6 Internet Explorer
will now start downloading
- Once the download has finished, Open Windows
Explorer and navigate to the folder where
Internet Explorer downloaded to. By default this
is usually the Download Folder.
- Once you have located the Internet Explorer
9 application file, Click on it to start the

Fig: 58-7 Click on the
Internet Explorer application file to start the
- A User Account Control warning will appear
asking you if you want to allow this program to
make changes to your computer. Click Yes to

Fig: 58-8 Click the Yes
button to continue
- The Internet Explorer installation box will
now appear. To begin the installation, Click the
Install button.

Fig: 58-9 To begin the
install, click the install button
- If you have any applications running in the
background Setup will now suggest that it need
to close these programs. By default the selected
option is Close programs for me ( I already
saved my work).
- You can stick with the default option or
simply select the Ignore option.
- In making your decision you should be aware
that your Anti Virus application will be one of
those programs running in the background and
that, if you allow Internet Explorer to close
this program your computer will have no Anti
Virus protection during the time it takes to
complete the installation. We have used both
methods to install Internet Explorer and neither
have had any detrimental effects.
- Once you have made your selection, Click the
Continue button.

Fig: 58-10 Select what you
want setup to do, then Click the Continue button
- If you selected the Close programs for me (
I have saved my work ) Internet Explorer will
now start to close the relevant programs.

Fig: 58-11 Closing background
- Once the programs running in the background
have been closed Internet Explorer 9 will begin
its installation sequence.

Fig: 58-12 Internet Explorer
begins to install
- Once installation has completed Windows will

Fig: 58-13 Windows restarts
after Internet Explorer has been installed
- When your computer restarts your main home
page will open and then the Internet Explorer
Get Started web page will appear.

Fig: 58-14 Welcome to a more
beautiful web