Internet Explorer 9 is Microsoft's latest web
browser. This edition of Internet Explorer is
reported to be faster than previous versions and
also contains numerous improvements, including the
much requested Download Manager.
IE 9 is certainly cleaner looking and take up far
less real estate than previous versions of the
browser. This has been achieved by disabling the
Menu bar, Favorites bar, Command bar and Status bar.
Although these options have been disabled by default
they are easily re-enabled by right clicking
on a vacant area between the address bar and the
Home icon and selecting the relevant options from
the drop down menu.
It should be noted that IE 9 is only available
for install on Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows
Server 2008. All Windows operating systems prior to
Windows Vista are are unable to support Internet
Explorer 9. Therefore Windows XP users will not be
able to install this latest browser.
To begin the installation proceed as follows:
- Click on the
Windows Internet Explorer Products download
link. The Internet Explorer web page will now
open with the following screen (see fig: 57-1)

Fig: 57-1 Windows Internet
Explorer download site.
- Once on the Internet explorer download site,
click the Download button to begin the download
of a 530kb setup file. When the File Download -
Security Warning box appears, Click the Save
button to save the file to your computer.

Fig: 57-2 Click the Save
button to save the file to your computer.
- The Save As window will now appear. The file
name is already entered in the file name
dialogue box, so simply Click the Save button to

Fig: 57-3 File will be
automatically saved in the Download folder
- The small initial setup file will begin to

Fig: 57-4 Downloading
Internet Explorer 9
- Once the file has been downloaded, Open
Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder
where you saved the IE 9 file. By default this
will be the Download folder. Once you have
located the downloaded file, Click on it to
start the initial download and installation of
Internet explorer 9.

Fig: 57-5 Click on the
application file to begin the installation.
- The User Account Control box will appear
asking if you want to allow this program to make
changes to your computer. Click Yes to continue.

Fig: 57-6 Click Yes in the
user Account Control box
- As you will usually have applications
already running in the background, Setup will
ask your permission to close these application
before it can continue.
- The default option is Close programs for me
(I've already saved my work). You can either
accept the default option, which means that your
Anti Virus software may have to be closed down
too, or you can select the ignore option. We
have used both methods and have not seen any
detrimental effects to the install.
- Once you have decided which option you are
going to take, Click the Continue button.

Fig: 57-7 Select what you
want Setup to do and then Click the Continue
- Internet Explorer will now start to download
the necessary files from the Microsoft server.
Once the files have been downloaded Internet
Explorer will begin to automatically install.
This may take a few minutes.

Fig: 57-8 Installing Internet
Explorer 9
- Once Internet explorer 9 has been installed
you will be asked to Restart your computer. To
begin, Click the Restart Now button.

Fig: 57-9 Click the Restart
Now button to complete the installation
- As your computer begins the restart sequence
Windows will start configuring the new updates.
At this point Do Not turn your computer off.

Fig: 57-10 Configuring
Internet Explorer Updates
- Once the configuration has reached
approximately 30% your computer will begin to
Log Off and then shut down.

Fig: 57-11 Your computer will
now begin the restart sequence
- Once your computer has restarted you will
see the Starting Windows Logo.

Fig: 57-12 The Starting
Windows screen
- Windows will now prepare to configure the
updates once again. Once again Do Not turn your
computer off.

Fig: 57-13 Preparing to
configure Windows
- Once configuration has reached 100% the
installation will be complete.
- Once you open Internet Explorer your home
page will momentarily appear and then the
Internet Explorer 9 Get Started page will

Fig: 57-14 The Internet
Explorer Get Started Window