There are two ways of installing the Windows 7
Service Pack 1.
Downloading the Windows 7 SP1 ISO file - See
53. Install Windows Service Pack 1 Downloading
via Windows Auto Update
This tutorial will deal with installing Windows 7
Service Pack 1 using Windows Auto Update.
Unlike most other updates that are available
through Windows Update you will find that the
Windows Service Pack 1 update is classed as an
Optional update. This means that the choice is yours
as to whether you install the service pack or not.
However, although Windows 7 Service Pack 1 doesn't
add anything new in the way of functionality to your
system, it does add additional updates that are
important to your system. Therefore, we recommend
that you install Windows 7 Service Pack 1.
Like most service packs, Windows 7 Service Pack 1
is rather large in size. How much of the service
pack that needs to be installed on your system will
depend upon how up to date your Windows Operating
system is. For example, if you have religiously
updated your copy of Windows via Windows Auto
Update, you may find that the install will only be
around 100MB or so. However, if you haven't updated
your Windows operating system for quite a while it
may be necessary to install as much as 900MB of the
service pack. Download and Installation time
combined can be anything up to an hour or more, so
please allow plenty of time to download and install
the service pack.
To install Windows Service Pack 1 proceed as
- Click the Start Button followed by All
- On the All Programs menu, scroll down until
you see Windows Update.
- Click on Windows Update to open the update

Fig: 56-1 Windows Start Menu
- When the Windows update window opens, look
to the left of the screen (in the blue margin)
and Click on the Check for updates option.

Fig: 56-2 Click the Check for
updates option
- Windows updates will now check for any
available updates. The Windows Service Pack will
be recorded as an Optional Update.

Fig: 56-3 Screen showing
available updates
- Click on the Optional Update link to make
sure that it actually refers to Windows Service
Pack 1. See Fig: 56-4 below.

Fig: 56-4 Windows Service
Pack 1 will be displayed in the list of
available downloads
- To begin the install, click the Install
Updates button.

Fig: 56-5 The size of the
available download(s) can be seen to the
right of the update
- Windows will now begin to download the
Windows 7 Service pack and any other available

Fig: 56-6 Downloading
available updates
- Once Windows has completed the download the
updates will begin to install. However, prior to
installation Windows will create a System
Restore point.

Fig: 56-7 A System Restore
point is created before the updates are installed
- After Windows has created a System Restore
the updates will begin to install.

Fig: 56-8 Installing the
Windows Updates
- After Windows has successfully installed
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 you will need to
Restart your computer. To Restart, press the
Restart Now button.

Fig: 56-9 Press the Restart
Now button to continue
- Your computer will now being its log off

Fig: 56-10 Logging off
- Your system will next begin to shut down.

Fig: 56-11 Windows is
shutting down
- During the shutting down process Windows
will start to configure the Windows Service
Pack. Once the process has reached the 30% mark
Windows will shut down and then restart again.

Fig: 56-12 Configuring the
Windows Service Pack
- On Restarting you will see the Starting
Windows Logo.

Fig: 56-13 Starting Windows
- The next screen will ask you to Please Wait.

Fig: 56-14 Please Wait while
Windows initializes
- Windows now need to start the configuration
once again.

Fig: 56-15 Preparing to
Configure windows
- The configuration progress indicator will
appear again. Please Do Not turn your computer
off while Windows is configuring and updating
essential files.

Fig: 56-16 When the progress
bar reaches 100% the installation has completed
- Now that the Windows Service Pack has been
installed you will be able to Log On to your
computer. If you do not have a password set on
your computer you will not see the screen in
Fig: 56-17. Instead Windows will simply open at
the desktop.

Fig 56-17 Type in your
- Finally a message will appear informing you
that the Windows 7 Service Pack is now

Fig: 56-18 Windows service
Pack has now been successfully installed