Alert messages are there for a purpose, mainly to
let you know that something is not exactly as it
should be. However, some alerts can trigger even
though a problem has not arisen. The This program
may not have installed correctly alert usually pops
up when installing legacy software, i.e., an
application that was developed for an earlier
version of Windows. Unfortunately it also has a
habit of popping up when the application you are
trying to install actually has been developed for
Windows 7 and, as such, it can then become a pain.
Disabling alerts can be counterproductive, but
there are occasions when disabling the alerts is the
only option. Whether you disable this particular
alerts or not is entirely up to you. Only you can
say whether it is causing you distress or not.
Should you decide to disable This program may not
have installed correctly then simply follow the
instructions below. Fortunately, if you find that,
after a short period of time, you really need the
alert back, it is easy enough to re-enable.
- After installing a legacy application or,
for that matter, even attempting to Cancel the
installation of an application you may be
presented with the following alert.

Fig: 49-1 You are alerted if
Windows thinks an application has not installed
- To begin with, Click the Start button and
type Services into the Start menu search
dialogue box.

Fig: 49-2 Type services.msc
into the search dialogue box
- Highlight the Services option and Press
- In the Services window, scroll down the
services list until you come to the Program
Compatibility Assistant Service and Right click
on it and select Properties.

Fig: 49-3 Look for the
Program Compatibility Assistant Service
- In the Program Compatibility Assistant
Service properties window change the Startup
Type option from Automatic to Disabled by
clicking the Arrow to the right of the Start Up
option and, from the drop down menu, selecting

Fig: 49-4 Change the Start Up
option to Disabled
- Finally, click the Stop button followed by
OK to close the Program Compatibility Assistant
service Properties window.
- To Re-enable the Program compatibility
Assistant Service change the Disabled option
back to Automatic and click the Start button.