Have you inadvertently placed a check mark (tick)
in the close this dialog box when download completes
to disable the box only now to find that you want
the dialog box?
It must be admitted that some of the Windows
dialog boxes aren't much use, but the Download
Complete dialog box is, because you can instantly
see from whence your file is being downloaded from.
Although re-enabling this option isn't
immediately obvious, the instructions below will
make things really easy.
- Open Internet Options.
- In the Internet Properties window, Click the
Advanced tab.
- Scroll down the Browsing section until you
come to the Notify when downloads complete
Fig: 38-1 Look for the
Notify When Downloads Complete in Internet
Options window
- Place a Check mark (Tick) in the box to the
left of this option. Finally click OK.

Fig: 38-2 Download
Complete box will now remain on screen
- When you next download a file from the
internet the Download Complete box will remain
on screen.