The larger your hard drive the larger will be the
amount of space allocated to the recycle bin. While
this may be useful if you happen to delete an
important file accidentally, in many cases the
additional room is simply a waste of space.
You can, of course, leave Windows to allocate
whatever space it wishes to the recycle bin; or you
could take matters into your own hands and stipulate
your own allocation limit.
To do this proceed as follows:
- Right Click the Recycle Bin on your desktop
and, from the drop down menu, Click Properties.
- In the Recycle Bin Properties window
highlight the drive you want to change the
recycle bin space allocation for (see below).

Fig: 29-1 Recycle Bin Properties
- In the Maximum Size dialogue box type in the
amount of space you intend to allocate to the
recycle bin and then Press OK.
- If you don't want your files to be moved to
the recycle bin then Click on the radio button
next to the Don't move files to the recycle bin.
Remove files immediately when deleted option and
Press OK.