If you have installed Windows Live Messenger onto
the Windows 7 operating system you will have noticed
that the messenger icon sits in the taskbar now
instead of in the notification area.
If you don't like the messenger icon being
displayed in the taskbar you can easily make it
appear in the notification area as it did in
previous versions of windows.
To make the Windows Live Messenger icon appear in
the notification area proceed as follows:
If Windows Live Messenger is already open then
Close it.
- Click the Start Button.
- On the Start Menu, Click All Programs,
followed by Accessories and then Click on
Windows Explorer.
- In the Windows Explorer window navigate to:
C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger.
Next Right Click on msnmsgr.exe and,
from the drop down list, Click on Properties.
- In the Properties box, Click on the
Compatibility tab.
- Look for the Compatibility mode section and
place a check mark (Tick) next to the Run this
program in compatibility mode for box.
- Now Click the arrow to the right of the
dialogue box to expand the operating system
- From this list choose Windows Vista and
Click OK.
- When you restart Windows Live Messenger the
icon will appear in the notification area. (see