10.5 Enable Windows 10 Screensaver
The problem with a new version of software is that, in
many cases, the tools that you use regularly have been
updated or moved from their usual position and you are left
scratching your head thinking now what's happened to that
The Windows screensaver is one such casualty; in fact
Microsoft even took the step of disabling the screensaver in
Windows 10. Okay, let's be honest, modern pc monitors don't
really need the Screensaver, but there is something
reassuring seeing random patterns floating across your
screen when you are not using having your lunch in front of
your PC and have nothing better to do than stare at the
computer screen!
So how do we re-enable the screensaver? Well it is quite
- You can either type: Change Screen Saver
into the Search box on the
Windows Taskbar or you can ask Cortana
to search for Change screensaver.
- As you type you should see Change Screensaver appear
in the search results.

Fig: 10.5.1 Type Change Screen saver
into the Search box
- Click on the Change Screen Saver
option in the search results.
- The Screen Saver settings box will
now open.

Fig: 10.5.2 Click on the Down Arrow
to display a list of available Screen Savers
- In the Screen Saver Settings box,
click on the down arrow in the
Screen saver section and, from the drop
down box, select the screen saver you want to

Fig: 10.5.3 Select the Screen Saver
you wish to enable
- Next set the wait period needed before the Screen
saver kicks in, and then select whether you want the log
on screen to activate when you resume work on your

Fig: 10.5.4 Finally select the wait
time and on resume option
- Once you have done that, all that remains now is to
press the OK button.
- After the PC has been idle for the amount of time
you stipulated the Screen Saver will take over until you
resume working on your PC.