Diskeeper 2009 Pro Premier
- Price: Diskeeper Home: £23.76 ($29.95);
Professional: £46.60 ($59.95); Pro Premier:
£92.20 ($99.95); Home Server: £55.50 ($69.95)
- Supplier: Diskeeper
- Web:
System Requirements:
Intel x86 Processor (including compatible CPUs
from other manufacturers); Windows XP (32/64 Bit);
2000; Vista (32/64 Bit); 21MB Free Hard Disk Space;
Maximum supported volume size 2TB; Supports NTFS;
FAT16; and FAT32 file system formats; Microsoft
Management Console (MMC)
Defragmenting your PCs hard drive is an essential
chore in order to keep your PC in tip top condition.
However, it is amazing how many users simple ignore
this essential and important piece of housekeeping.
Of course Windows already has its own
defragmentation software, the only problem with this
is that you either have to manually defragment your
hard drive or else set up a scheduled task to do it
for you.
Wouldn’t it be nice for once if you could just
install a defragmentation application and have it
complete the task of defragmenting your hard drive
without you have to remember to manually do so, or
mess around creating a scheduled time for it to
begin? Well now you can with Diskeeper 2009.
For the Home/Home Office market Diskeeper 2009
comes in four versions: Diskeeper Home;
Professional; Pro Premier and Home Server. For the
purpose of this review we shall be looking at
Diskeeper Pro Premier.
Not Just a Pretty Face
Diskeeper 2009 doesn’t only intelligently
defragment your hard drive, but it looks good too.
The Diskeepr Console is pleasant to look at and
displays a host of important information about your
hard drive(s). Common commands are logically grouped
together and the tabbed panes show the condition of
your hard disk(s), the most recently defragmented
files and, most importantly, the health state of
your disk.

Fig 1: Diskeeper main Interface
A simple click on the ‘recommendation’ button at
the bottom of the Diskeeper window can also give you
valuable suggestions for improving or maintaining
your disks.
Set it and Forget it
Diskeeper 2009 is currently the only
defragmentation application that will defragment
your hard drive in ‘real time.’ There is, therefore,
no need for scheduling or manual defragmenting. Just
install the software and forget it, Diskeeper will
do the rest; it truely is a ‘set it and forget it’

Fig 2: Disk prior to defragmentation
Diskeeper 2009’s InvisiTasking technology
automatically handles performance robbing
fragmentation as it occurs. Because your disk(s) are
defragmented in real time you can continue working
knowing that Diskeeper will only continue when idle
resources become available. This ensures that no
resource conflicts occur while the defragmentation
task is being performed.

Fig 3: Disk after defragmentation
As well as InvisiTasking technology, Diskeeper
2009 boasts I-FAAST (Intelligent File Access
Acceleration Sequencing Technology and Frag Shield.
I-FAAST improves file access/creation by a typical
average of 10% - 20%. Frag Shield, on the other
hand, helps prevent fragmentation of all your
critical system files, thus helping prevent MFT
(Master File Table) and Page file fragmentation.
Just like InvisiTasking, Frag Shield works in the
Short on Space
With most defragmentation applications you
require a minimum of 10% free space available on
your hard drive to be able to defragment the hard
drive successfully. Without this magical 10% margin
most defragmentation application will not process
the defragment command. Diskeeper, on the other
hand, gives you much more leeway requiring as little
as 1% free space in order to complete its task
Terabyte Volume Engine (TVE)
Modern high end computers contain large hard
drives, therefore they require a high power
defragmentation engine. Diskeeper’s Terabyte Volume
Engine (TVE) has the advanced technology necessary
to defrag these large volumes. This type of
technology is a must for users manipulating large
databases and CAD programs.

Fig 4: Dashboard showing idle resources used by
In our test Diskeeper Pro Premier performed
exceedingly well. With the defragmentation going on
in the background you only became aware that
Diskeeper is doing its job when you hear the hard
drive ‘chattering’ away. Multitasking during a
defragmentation cycle didn’t seem to be affected
adversely. We did see a slight slow down while
access online website files from our own website,
particularly when saving new web pages, but one
can’t say for certain that Diskeeper was the cause.
Diskeeper Pro Premier has been designed for high
end systems and power users and it certainly doesn’t
disappoint. And as we have, for many years, been an
avid Raxco PerfectDisk user that is a hard statement
to make. But give credit where it’s due Diskeeper
certainly made an impression with us and we can
highly recommend it!
- Ease of Use: 9
- Features: 9
- Value for Money: 9
- Overall: 9