69. Change Space Allocation For Recycle Bin
The recycle bin has a default percentage for
space allocation. While this is fine in principle,
if you happen to have a large capacity hard drive,
the recycle bin may actually be wasting space by
setting its space allocation far to high.
Most users regularly empty the recycle bin so any
excess allocated space is actually wasted space
which could be utilised by other applications.
By reducing this space or, for that matter,
turning it off completely (turning off completely is
not always wise, because you then have no way of
retrieving files you may have accidentally deleted),
you can grab back some much needed disk space.
To change the space allocated to the recycle
bin, proceed as follows:
1/ Right Click on the
Recycle Bin icon.
2/ From the menu that appears, Click
3/ In the Properties window,
select the drive you want to reduce
the allocated space on.
4/ Use the Custom Size box to
input the actual amount of space you wish to
allocate for the recycle bin, and then Click the
OK button. Alternatively, if you want to
turn the feature off completely for the selected
drive, Select the do not move files to the
recycle bin option and then Click the
OK button.