System Requirements:
300Mhz processor or higher; 256MB RAM; 100MB
free hard disk space; Windows XP; Windows Vista;
Windows 7.
Anvi Smart Defender is a full featured, dual
purpose, anti malware and PC optimization
application capable of both cleaning your system of
Trojans, worms, spyware, bots and other malicious
threats and also optimizing your system.

Fig: 12-1 Anvi Smart Defender
quick scan window
The applications graphical interface contains 5
basic tabs enabling the user to perform the
following operations: Malware scan; Cloud Scan;
Guard; Optimize; and Update.

Fig: 12-2 After scanning
threats are displayed in the multiple threat
detected window
Each tabbed option has its own set of on demand
buttons; it is only the Guard tab that contains
setting options which can be changed to suit the
user. For example on the anti malware tab you have
the option to perform a quick scan, full scan, or a
custom scan, with the custom scan allowing you to
choose which locations to include in the scan.

Fig: 12-3 Unless you direct it
otherwise, the resident shield will automatically
allow the action within 10 seconds
Our tests showed that Anvi Smart Defender was
comparable with other well known anti malware
applications. However we were disappointed that Anvi
Smart Defender's swordfish anti malware engine did
have a tendency to produce numerous false positives.
Up in the Cloud
The cloud scan allows the user to directly drop
files onto the cloud scan window for analysing.
This, unfortunately, didn't happen in our test as we
found it impossible to simply drag and drop any file
to the cloud scan window interface. No matter what
we tried it simply defied all our efforts. Our only
option was to use the Add File option instead. This
finally producing the required result.

Fig: 12-4 Add suspicious files
to the cloud security window for further analysis
On Your Guard
The guard section provides real time protection
against suspicious actions and unauthorised access.
Within the interface window there are five section,
Privacy, Start Up, Process, Behaviour and Files.
From within this interface the user has the option
to turn on or off the relevant options.

Fig: 12-5 You can easily turn
Guard options on or off to suit your requirements
Optimize Your System
Anvi Smart Defender optimizer is rather
lightweight, primarily removing temporary internet
files, privacy and surfing traces, fixing registry
problems, cleaning up RAM thus releasing physical
memory for further use and defragmenting the hard
drive. The disk defragmenter, incidentally, is not
enabled by default. To enable it you simply have to
place a check mark (tick) in the box to the left of
the disk defragmenter option.
By clicking the on demand Care Now button,
optimization will begin. After completion the
sections marked, System optimize, registry Fix and
Privacy Cleaner, display the total number of files
cleaned. If you click on this total number of files
cleaned information you are presented with a list of
files the application is about to remove. If you
wish to keep a specific file you should remove the
check mark (tick) from the left side of its entry.

Fig: 12-6 The application can
quickly optimize your PC
Checking which registry files are about to be
removed is of particularly importance and should be
done as a matter of course when each scan is
completed. Being cautious eliminates the possibility
of a file or set of files being removed that maybe
essential to the working of your PC. Better to be
safe than sorry!
There is actually some controversy over registry
cleaners as to whether they are good for your PC or
not. Our own opinion is that, if you are not
comfortable manually editing the registry yourself,
then we suggest that you leave well alone. While
some registry cleaners are lightweight, this
includes Anvi Smart Defender, others can be rather
aggressive and remove files that shouldn't be
Anvi Smart Defender is a full featured, easy to
use, application that quickly deals with all sorts
of malware threats. It also has the option of
optimizing your system so that it runs faster. While
we found the application easy to use, we were
somewhat surprised that the anti malware engine
produced numerous false positives, especially since
other anti malware applications, such as Windows
Defender and Malwarebytes Anti Malware didn't even
flag any problems.
The optimization is fairly lightweight and basic
to say the least, mainly clearing out such things as
temporary internet files, invalid registry entries ,
etc. One disappointment was that Anvi Smart defender
doesn't clear the index.dat files which have a nasty
habit of storing all the information you really want
to get rid of. Other optimization applications, such
as Piriform's CCleaner do this by default.
As a totally free application, Anvi Smart
Defender is certainly well worth having, it is just
a pity that it throws up so many false positives
when scanning for anti malware.
- Ease Of Use: 8.0
- Features: 8.0
- Value For Money: 8.0
- Overall: 8.0