Adding An Email Account To Windows Mail
Windows Mail is Vista's replacement for Outlook
Express and comes free with Windows and is,
probably, the first e-mail client application you
will get to know. However, before you can use
Windows Mail you need to add your email account
details. Once this has been done you are ready to
start collecting those e-mails.
First Open Windows Mail by clicking on the
Windows Mail option on the Start menu. Once the
Windows Mail window appears look along the top
toolbar and click on the Tools option. A drop down
menu will now appear. From this click on the
Accounts option.
The Select Accounts type window will now appear
(see screenshot 1 below). Click on the Email Account
and then Press Next.

Fig 1: Accounts Window
Once you have selected the Account Type and
clicked the Next button the Your Name Window (Fig 2)

Fig 2: Your Name Window
In the Display Name dialogue box type the name
you want to use, for example Joe Bloggs. Once you
have done that click the Next button. The Internet
E-mail Address Window now opens (Fig 3).

Fig 3: Internet E-mail Window
Type your e-mail address details into the E-mail
Address dialogue box and then click Next. The next
window to appear is the E-mail Server names Window
(Fig 4).

Fig 4: E-mail Server Name Window
This option window is not as easy as the previous
ones, simply because you need to fill in the
Incoming mail POP (Point Of Presence) and the SMTP
(Simple mail Transfer Protocol). Normally when you
sign up for your Internet Access your ISP (Internet
Service Provider) either sends you details of the
server names or makes them available on the help
pages of the ISP’s website. Either way they usually
take two forms as follows:
- Incoming mail server:
(replace with your own ISP details
(unless you are using Virgin).
- Outgoing mail server: (again
substitute with your own ISP.
- Incoming mail server:
(substitute your ISP name for that of virgin).
- Outgoing mail server:
(substitute your ISP for that of virgin).
Once you have filled in these details then click
The next window to appear is the Internet mail
Logon window (fig 5).

Fig 5: Internet Mail Logon
Here you need to fill in the User Name you use to
log on to your ISP. This can be either a name, i.e.,
joebloggs, or your e-mail address, i.e. The remember password
option is ticked by default. This is best left
alone. If you uncheck the remember password option
you will be prompted to fill in the password every
time you try to access your email account.
After completing this section click the Next
The final window to appear congratulates you on
completing the details requested. All you need do
now is click the Finish button and your email
account is ready to use.

Fig 6: Congratulations. You have
successfully set up your e-mail account
After you click Finish Windows Mail will access
your email account and start downloading any
available emails.

Fig 7: Connecting to email provider