Welcome to Windows Support
Yes, Windows Vista has had a change of name.
Although the website 'url' remains the same, the new
name for this site is Windows Support.
So, why the change? Initially the site needed to
become more mobile friendly. Upon designing the new
mobile friendly site it became obvious that it would
be far better if I incorporated my other Windows
website, relating to Windows 7/8/8.1/10 etc., into
one site along with Windows Vista. You now have a
website that covers, not only Windows Vista, but all
of the later versions of Windows. And, most
importantly, all of the Windows support information
that you have been used to viewing is now available
in one convenient site.
The new site covers topics relating to all of the
Microsoft Windows' operating systems, with the
exception of Windows XP which, currently, has its
own site available at
XP Help and Support.
I hope you enjoy the new site!
Microsoft MVP Alumni 2002-2015